
Wind Athletes Canada operates on an extremely lean budget, accomplishing much of what it does with volunteers and consultants. We have no physical offices and no employees. This is a bare bones operation but there are expenses for things like our website, insurance, accountants, lawyers, consultants, book keeping, etc.

The 3% we charge on every donation is not enough to cover these costs. The occasional sale of a donated boat  has kept the organization afloat but this is precarious.

Your contribution will allow Wind Athletes Canada to continue to do the work it does:

Promoting Sailing In Canada by Providing Leadership and Financial Assistance to Canadian High Performance Sailors

Thank you for your contribution.

Donate to Wind Athletes Canada - Operational Funds

Donor Information
In case there is an issue with your email address and we can not send your donation receipt.


If you don't have a pay pal account or don't want to use your personal account. You can still donate through PayPal as a guest. See the screen shot below to help make it easier.

PayPal Instructions