Luke Ruitenberg
Luke Ruitenberg

Luke tried out sailing for the first time in St. Margaret’s Bay at the age of 9 when he and a few friends joined the SMSC learn to sail program. The following summer Luke started racing Optis with the club team, and eventually joined COAST (Canadian Optimist Atlantic Sailing Team). With COAST Luke began competing internationally, representing Canada at the 2010 Optimist European Championship in Poland. In 2011 Luke graduated to the Laser Radial and joined the RNSYS (Royal Nova Scotia Yacht Squadron) Race Team. A year later Luke won the Youth National Championships in Gimli, Manitoba.

In 2014 Luke transitioned to the Men’s Olympic Class Laser Standard where he currently competes. Since then he has represented Canada at two Junior World Championships and more recently qualified for the Canadian Sailing Team in 2017. Luke has the ultimate goal of bringing home a medal for Canada at the Olympic Games.


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