Sam Thompson -Skipper
Sam Thompson - Skipper
Jack Porter - Trimmer
Jack Porter - Trimmer
maintaining a narrow lane
fabulous hoist
Connor MacKenzie - Middle
Connor MacKenzie - Middle
Erin Sauder - Bow
Erin Sauder - Bow

Miss Moneypenny is a Corninthian Etchells Youth team racing out of Oakville, Canada campaigning for the Etchells World Championship in 2022. Having qualified for the 2022 Etchells World Championship and having won the Etchells Canadian Championship and Etchells Corinthian North American Championship, the team is primed and ready to represent Canada on a global stage and to be the first Canadian team to take home not only the Corinthian World Title but also the Hans Fogh Next Generation Trophy, for top youth team.  

We would appreciate your support to help us make this happen.

Donate to Miss Moneypenny - Etchells Youth Team

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