
Dear Supporters,

As UVic Sailing sets sail for national competitions, we come to you with a humble request for support. Last year, ourteam achieved victory at the CICSA Keelboat Nationals in Toronto and placed first among collegiate teams (second overall) at the CICSA Match Racing Nationals in Vancouver, showcasing our dedication and skill.

Unfortunately, financial constraints prevented us from attending other crucial events, such as the Fleet and TeamRacing Nationals. Too often, we must ask our sailors to cover travel costs out of their own pockets.

We ask for your help in overcoming these obstacles. Your contributions will directly empower our team to compete at the highest level, representing UVic with pride.

Your generosity, no matter the size, will make a significant impact on our journey. Together, we can ensure that financial barriers do not hinder our athletes’ dreams.

Below is a budget detailing the expenses we hope to cover for our student athletes, if you have any further questions or enquiries please do not hesitate to contact me at

Thank you for considering this opportunity to support UVic Sailing. Sincerely,

Nathan Lemke.

Co-President UVic Sailing


Donate to University of Victoria Sailing Team

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