Happy Sailor
Flight makes sailors smile
above it all!
above it all!
hiking for hieght
hiking for height
Top Tier Coaching
Top Tier Coaching
Taking Flight on Halifax Harbour
Taking Flight on Halifax Harbour
"A shot in the arm" - sailing near the Squadron
"A shot in the arm" - sailing near the Squadron
Training Camp with Phil Roberts
Training Camp with Phil Roberts
"Foiled Again" in Halifax Harbour
"Foiled Again" in Halifax Harbour
Rip'n it up in Nova Scotia
Rip'n it up in Nova Scotia
After Sailing Debrief
After Sailing Debrief

We Can Foil Nova Scotia Training Hub is raising money to purchase 3 WASZP's.

Nova Scotia is fast becoming one of the strongest Provinces for high performance sailing in Canada.

With the sailors in Nova Scotia energized by the hosting of the Sail GP Halifax event this summer, we aim to capitalize on this enthusiasm and convert that energy into more skilled foil sailing athletes.  The We Can Foil Nova Scotia Training Hub can become not just the best place in Canada to lear to foil but the envy of the World.

Please help make this possible for a tax deductible donation to support the purchase of 3 WASZP's.



Donor Information
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If you don't have a pay pal account or don't want to use your personal account. You can still donate through PayPal as a guest. See the screen shot below to help make it easier.

PayPal Instructions